Saturday, November 13, 2010

What to do for Eid?

Seriously, I'm so sick and tired of people here whinging and complaining about the "lack of official days holiday" for Eid. Honestly, the last 6 months of the year here is a cake walk - so many days off and lower productivity expected throughout Ramadhan, you would think people would focus on counting their blessings as opposed to feeling ripped off. *breathe* and I digress...

I for one am thankful for the handful of days we have off in a row this week, as well as the fact that we still have National Day holiday(s) to come and Islamic New Years.

So in typical Omani conversational style "What to do" people?
With the weather as awesome as it is (how can you NOT like 25-30 degree days in WINTER?) there are endless options:

* Camping
* Fishing
* Treks
* Geocaching
* Road trip to UAE or Salalah
* Cheap short tips anywhere in the region or even to Asia!

We are contemplating a quick trip to Abu Dhabi to go and visit friends and check out Ferrari World since my better half LOVES rides! I'm actually more interested in visiting Ikea, checking out some of the free events they showcase along the beach & corniche etc. Oh and maybe even bump into some celebs that are in town for the F1 Grand Prix events :)


  1. There is tons to do in EID! I am worried that these 4 days off are not enough to do everything I want to do! Like you suggested, camping and trekking are perfect! Explore! Capture the great outdoors- if not in November- when are you going to do it?

  2. Why go away traveling when you can suffer the endless traffic jams in Muscat as everyone tries to get to see the fireworks?

  3. HI..nothing relevant to the above post, but just wanted to say I have enjoyed reading your Blog. As a fellow Aussie we have had pretty much the same experience as you guys from the sounds of it.

    Hope you had a good Australia Day.

